Cattle & Livestock

At Playa Lake Farm & Ranch we come from a ranching background and understanding the cattle business, ranching and cattle has long been a part of this region. In many ways grazing replicates the once free ranging buffalo on the South Plains. One of the ways we work with ranchers and cattlemen is through our partnerships.
We offer temporary grazing opportunities on multiple properties on our grasslands, wheat, or grain stubble through partnerships in the cattle, weight gain deals, leases, or simply cattle care.
Grazing Leases
In some cases we work with ranchers and cattlemen through grazing leases on grasslands, wheat, or stubble.
Some of these agreements are for seasonal grazing use, while others are more long term where we offer extra capacity for your cattle operation over the life of multiple seasons.
Feedlots & Dairy's
We work with feedlots and dairy's through growing high quality silage or feed for your operations. Our preferred arrangement is to understand the demands of your operation ahead of the planting seasons.
Playa Lake Farm & Ranch then works out a long term plan to provide the inputs you need to make your operation successful and costs effective. Our consultants determine if the logistics and production capacities of our farms make sense for your goals.