


The South Plains around the Lubbock area is the world's number one cotton producing region in the world. We are proud to produce high quality cotton in our drip irrigated and dry land fields.

We are a member of several cooperatives and work with several gins to help process and market our high quality cotton fiber.



We produce high quality corn crops on our irrigated farms. We market our corn to grain elevators, feedlots, dairies, or other cattle operations in and around the farms which we produce corn.

Our corn crops are also an attractant for wildlife and we try to plant corn in areas near cover and leave one row standing to benefit wildlife and production at the same time. We market our harvested corn to local grain markets and our silage to feed yards and dairies.

Grain Sorghum

Grain Sorghum

The South Plains is a great region to produce high quality grain sorghum crops. We market our grain sorghum crops for seed production or for harvest. Milo is a hearty plant capable of being successful in this arid region on both irrigated and dry cropland.

We produce high quality grain sorghum of several varieties as a secondary crop behind cotton and corn. Each year we try to plant milo strips around the edges of our cover and grasslands as an extra source of winter food for upland birds.



Winter wheat is a key part of our operation, whether it be for cover, grazing, or harvesting each year we plant wheat crops. We market our wheat for harvest to local elevators in the areas and counties that we produce wheat in.

We also will bail wheat for cattle or livestock feed upon request or if one of our farms is nearby a feedlot or dairy. And lastly, we offer wheat for graze on several of our places through leases or partnerships on weight gain we are open minded to structures that work for everyone.



Haygrazer, also known as Sorghum Sudangrass is a great low input summer crop for bailing or grazing. We grow haygrazer in and around areas where we have grazing leases or partnerships or we market bailed hay to feedlots or dairy's.

On some of our dryland fields where we graze cattle we often do a wheat and haygrazer rotation making good use of our soil conservation efforts with limited tilling and plowing.



West Texas Sunflowers are a great crop to grow and are beautiful to see in the fields.  We market our sunflower production directly to the processors or seed companies.

Sunflowers along with milo are a great crop to attract dove and other migratory birds, in some instances we will grow sunflowers with this purpose in mind.


2025 Photos & Text Copyright - © Playa Lake Farm & Ranch, LP - Outdoor Web Design

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